Junee Kids Excursions Program and Community Interaction

Community Engagement

Who are we
Junee Kids is a privately operated serviced owned by two experienced approved providers who run under the business name of Australian Childcare PTY LTD. Australian Childcare PTY LTD also own and successfully operate Kiewa Kids which is located in Albury. The sister service will provide support to Junee Kids the collaboration may provide opportunities for excursions so that Kiewa Kids can visit the Junee Kids Farm.

At Junee Kids we thrive to provide endless opportunities for all our children to explore their world around them. Through weekly local excursions they can go on adventures and engage in their local surroundings. We often plan excursions which allows the children to experience transport and that gives them the opportunity to experience interactions in the broader community.

Lev Vygotski is a sociocultural theorist, and he believes that children learn actively through hands on experiences. In Vygotsky's view, learning is an inherently social process. Through interacting with others, learning becomes integrated into an individual's understanding of the world. John Dewey is another theorist who inspires our educators at Kiewa Kids. From Dewey's educational point of view, he believes that students must interact with their environment to adapt and learn. Dewey felt the same idea was true for teachers and that teachers and students must learn together. We are guided by Vygotski and Dewey as we plan, assess, and implement these learning opportunities for the children at Junee Kids.

We aim to provide the children with a range of excursions such as visiting the local community shops, post office, cafes and library. We will endeavor to source local story time experiences which we will be able to join. Places like pet stores, hairdressers, bakeries and local supermarkets are great ways for the children to learn about different professions, how goods are made, purchased and make their way into their homes. We will also investigate visiting places such as aged care homes so that the children may interact with the residents and share experiences with them such as singing, dancing and art. We also value incursions as it is always a goal of ours to bring in the outside world to expose the children to a range of learning experiences.
Experiences which are enriched with learning are visits from local Fire and Police departments, nurses and Dentists which allow the children to explore their interesting occupations and learn about their essential services they provide to the community. The information gained during these visits expands the children's knowledge on the community services available to them.
We will also have the famous Healthy Harold come to visit to talk about healthy eating, hygiene and our emotional health.
We value teaching the children about living a healthy lifestyle and will plan visits from a local nutritionist who can teach the children about the different benefits of our food.

So many wonderful opportunities for learning and many more to come...